- August 2023
EO Pickling!



It boggles our minds why ladies get only one month out of twelve. Surely they should have six to be equal? Also, what about all the ‘in-betweeners? Makes us scratch our heads for sure!


Inspite of this perplexing fact (which belongs in a jar), we want to celebrate some profiles on a variety of ladies (for womans month) from our website you might not know about? Or perhaps do, and now want to book them for your event!  

One with a PHD (and might go to Mars).

Adriana: https://www.entertainment-online.co.za/adrianamarais.htm

Adriana Marais

And a final one who is a professional Wannabe.



Lilly Slaptsilli

Less Than More.

In 2023, there are now less months to go, than have gone. That Year-end function should be sorted by now!!!


We know events are a luxury spend, complicated by power cuts, water cuts, budget cuts and sometimes even have potato cuts.


Our team is exceptionally good at working within a budget and asking your favourite entertainer to consider a counter offer or custom show. Don’t be shy, give us your wish list and preferred spend.

EO - Wishlist

PICTURES speak a thousand WORDS.

Perhaps an odd thing to write in a newsletter? Here is a collage of some of the fun we have had this year so far with Talent and Clients.

EO Collage


Jenna Bayer

(Motivational Speaker):


Jenna Bayer

Zipho Sikhakhane

(Business Speaker and MC):


Zipho Sikhakhane


We have written about English and Afrikaans talents before, but what about some isiZulu and isiXhosa? Come now team, ube muhle!

EO - Zahara

Zahara has to be the show with the very best Xhosa rhythms! Her real name is Bulelwa Mkutukana and you must have already heard some of her music from the album Loliwe! Her music is classified loosely as "Afrosoul" and she sings in her native language, Xhosa, as well as in English. Read more here:



EO - Gcina Mhlophe

Did you know Gcina Mhlophe (from Kwa-Zulu Natal) had her voice used in the launch event of the 2023 Shaka Zulu movie? Her involvement was sponsored by Telkom who are showing they love being involved in stories, which makes sense because that’s often what we do on a phone right? You can read more or book Mam Gcina at:


Ladies Month

Happy Ladies month, to everyone!

The www.Entertainment-Online.co.za Team

action@entertainment-online.co.za | Whatsapp: 0818722781